About Me

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Lucky, blessed mom of four, wife of one. Its the best day ever!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Visual Survey

FIRST - read the question
SECOND - type in the first answer that comes to mind in Google Image search
THIRD - post the first picture that comes up and write what you typed in (it’s hard sometimes to use the first image, but you must)

So fun…anyone who reads my blog is tagged!

1. Age I will be on my next birthday - 33

2. Favorite Food - chocolate chip cookies

3. Favorite Color - pink and blue, gotta acknowledge my boys andgirls!

4. A place I would like to visit - Scotland

5. Where I live - Westminster

6. Name of a past or present pet - Rusty was a dog we owned when I was a child

7. One of my favorite places - Utah

This is a perfect picture!

8. Favorite holiday - 4th of July

9. A bad habit - leavingthe dishwasher open

No, this is not my dishwasher. I guess I do this so it will be easier to load, but it drives Steve crazy!

10. Favorite animal - pandas

11. Favorite cartoon from childhood - The Littles

12. My name (or nickname) - mommy

13. Sport I play (or my favorite) - used to be tennis, now its The Firm (but thats not really a sport)

14. Favortie extravagance (what I do or get when I have a little extra time and money) -get a good haircut

15. A phrase I over use - I love you

That was fun, but harder than I thought! If you do this then post a comment so I'll know to check yours out!


Angela said...


I can't believe we lived together, and I did not know that you loved the Littles!! My sisters would make fun of my Littles obsession. In fact, Maren called me once about two years ago just to tell me that she had found them on tv. I will do this on my blog.

Brandon and Lisa Bird said...

Jen- if that was the Westminster we really grew up in- I never would have left!!!

connie said...

I am working on mine!!it is kinda fun hua?

Tena said...

what a fun idea!!! Loved seeing yours! I did one on my blog as well, email if you don't have the link