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Lucky, blessed mom of four, wife of one. Its the best day ever!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I did too!

I wish I could figure out the method to blogger uploading. It seems like every time I upload, they go on to the blog in a weird and different order than I intended! Grrr!

Anyway, here are the pics of my hair. My cousin Kim came in to town and did a great job. I am making her my official "hair girl" from now on!


Kyla Armstrong said...

It's so cute! If she wants CA clients when she's in town, sign me up!

Brandi said...

Love the hair! I have found that if you start with the picture you want last and go backwards when you upload them they go in order. Hope that helps

Jaime said...

Ditto Brandi's comments! You look fabulous!

jennmom2000 said...

She lives in Moreno Valley but comes to HB on the weekends. She is pretty much local. She wants to get a job here.

Vivian said...

Love your hair! I'm looking for a new hairdresser. Let me know next time she comes so I can get her to do my hair.

Jackson 3 said...

Love the hair too! She's my official hair girl as well! lol...I always just make my pics real small after I upload them then I can move them around easier to where I want them then make them bigger when I'm ready to post. I think pictures first, then fill in w/ words is easiest too!

Cory said...

ooohh. cute hair sexy mama!!

Dorothy Stockard said...

It looks beautiful. Payton i like your new cut. love Grandmadot