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Lucky, blessed mom of four, wife of one. Its the best day ever!

Monday, January 28, 2008

This was a bad idea

Do you ever have an idea to do something and you think its a good idea, but it turns out not to be? Case in point! I thought I would take a pic of P in front of her school for speech. I don't have one yet and I was with just her. I could easily take one pic, or two. That second pic is where the problem came about. You see, I got this one then told P to stand closer to the sign. I walked across the parking lot and just as I got to the curb, I stepped in a divet and ate it! It was like slow motion and I tried really hard to protect my camera, but it didn't work. The camera bounced out of my hand and never recovered. I quickly looked around to see if anyone was close enough to see me fall. Payton just stood there and said, "Mom, why are you so silly?" Yeah, like I meant to be silly Payton! lol


Melanie said...

Oh my gosh!! Are you okay? How sad!

Tena said...

{{{{{ JENNY }}}}
I hope you are okay?

Brandon and Lisa Bird said...

Jen- can totally relate- I fell from a ladder in our house and Ellie just looked at me- no help!!! Well, it turned out okay since now you have a cooler camera!