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Lucky, blessed mom of four, wife of one. Its the best day ever!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


From the 3rd row! We saw the spit fly! IT was awesome. Loved every minute of it.

and the VIP bathroom (uh, its more than that! said the guy when we asked him where the VIP bathroom was). We got to go to the special VIP lounge during intermission. We got complimentary drinks and goodies. It was a great night! Thanks Mom and Dad.

Mom, I didn't get any pictures of you! Darn it.


Melanie said...

I am so glad that you got to go and that you just loved it!! It is truly amazing!!!

Tena said...

wit woo!!!
I loved this show when my brother took me for a Christmas gift!!!
Glad you had fun!

Brandon and Lisa Bird said...

All I have to say is I am so jealous... Seriously!!! I am reading the book right now and I like the music a lot better :)