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Lucky, blessed mom of four, wife of one. Its the best day ever!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

My little escaper

This morning I woke up with Wade just before 7am. I changed his diaper and placed him in the swing.

This is pretty much our morning ritual. He swings and goes back to sleep until I take the bigger kids to school at 8am. Since it was Saturday I wanted him to sleep a bit so I could also sleep. As I was placing him in the swing Kylie got up. She started to watch cartoons so I was ok with leaving Wade. She could listen for him and I could sleep.

After a little while I heard her talking to him. It was really cute. Then she came in to me and said, "Mom, Wade is on his tummy." This was about 8:15am.

I immediately thought how did he turn over in the swing? He is buckled and that just couldn't happen. So I said, "Kylie, he is on his tummy in the swing?"
"No, he is on the ground."
"On the ground? How did he get on the ground? Kylie, did you pick him up out of the swing?" I was a little panicky now, wondering what had happened.
"No mommy, I didn't pick him up."
With a little more urgency in my voice, "Kylie, I need to know that truth! Did you pick him up?"
"No mommy, I promise, pinky promise, I didn't touch him." I could here a little quiver in her voice and she doesn't lie to me so I knew she hadn't touched him.

Still how could he get out of the swing and be on his tummy and not cry? I had to see this for myself.

I got to the front room and he was laying on his tummy on the floor, but not even close to the swing. He was about 10 feet away by the sliding door. Not only had he fallen out without crying, but he had rolled around enough to get away from the swing. The swing was still swinging and the buckle was still buckled.

Here are two pics for perspective. . .

I still have no idea how he got out, but he did. I thought the belt was tight. Now its tighter! And I put the tray back on. Maybe that will keep him in place. I really hope he is not done with the swing. Its where he sleeps the best!


Kyla Armstrong said...

My little guy slept into his swing until he was like 4 months old. I loved it! It was a sad day when he was too big for that.

Melanie said...

Oh my goodness!! How did that happen!! Crazy! I bet you were freaking out!!