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Lucky, blessed mom of four, wife of one. Its the best day ever!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


My day yesterday was crazy busy! Wade was in his carseat more than out too! We took the kids to school at 7:30. Then we came home around 8:20 for just a few minutes to rotate laundry before we had to go to his Speech Evaluation meeting at 9am. Good news is that he no longer qualifies for speech! He is talking within normal limits for his age and even higher in some areas. Since he is 3 on Saturday his services were being transferring to the school district from the county's regional center. The school district did extensive testing on him and he is caught up to his age now as far as speech goes! His comprehension has always been higher, and it still it. So whew! No more worrying about fitting speech visits in too.

So, after his meeting we went home and rotated laundry. Then we went to the car wash and it took way too long, but they did a great job. Then we came home to rotate laundry again! Then we met my parents for lunch at Del Taco. After lunch we came home and rotated laundry again. I also folded and hung up a bunch too each time! I had so much laundry! :pin:

At 1:30 we went to pick up the kids from school. Payton gets out and 2 and the other 2 get out at 2:22. I left Kylie at my mom's so she could take her to Brownies at 5pm. I was going to pick her up at 7 when it was over and all the other stuff of the day was over too. Got home at 3 pm. (I will be so glad when we live closer to the school!) Then I tried to get the house vacuummed and laundry put away and homework done before we had to take Payton to swim practice. She had to be there at 4:30. Wes had to be at baseball practice right after Payton ended so he was all dressed with his cleats on and all. Then when were at the pool. . .

HE FELL INTO THE POOL! fully dressed for baseball!!! :laugh: He didn't think it was so funny, but I did!

We had to drive home, get him changed, and rush back to the pool to pick up Payton as her time was ending. Just then my phone rang. It was Kylie's Brownie leader saying the meeting was ending at 6:30, the same time that Weston's practice ends. UGH! It was supposed to be over at 7 and I would have time to get Wes then get Kylie. So a quick chat with Wes' coach to ask him if I could get him a few minutes later (just 10-15 minutes after the end of practice, and he agreed), and we went to get Kylie. Rushed back to get Wes from practice. It was 6:45 by then and 7 by the time we got home and dinner finally started. Then we had to shower and finish homework and do dishes. By the time that was all done it was 10 minutes till 8pm. Just the perfect time for teeth brushing and bed!

I think I was more tired than the kids!

And today was just as busy too. Barely any time at home!


JessWilson said...

Wow Jenny! That is one busy day. I'm so glad that Wade is doing so well on his speech and those are some lucky kids to have so many fun activities to be involved in. :) We can't wait to see you all soon!

Melanie said...

Oh my gosh...I'm exhausted just reading that post!! Sounds crazy!! AND...I can't believe Wes fell into the pool!! What a nut!!!

Deb said...

So now it has begun for you..LOL...your days sounds like mine now! I live in my car most days! I feel of you! I would have laughed at Wes falling in the pool too!

Jaime said...

Oh my gosh! You are pretty much amazing.

Holly said...

You are such an amazing mommy, just like you have always been at everything! I knowit will be better for you when you don't have to come to Westminster every day, but I'm sad just thinking about not getting to see all of you so often. Oh well, it's not like Fountain Valley is that far away.