1. Where Did You First Meet Your Husband?
On the internet. Thats not so weird now, but it was in 1997. People thought we were so weird.I know some of you are thinking, "well you are!" Stop it!
2. What Was The First Thing You Said To Your Husband?
He IM'ed me and said, "Do I know you?"
I think I probably replied with, "No, who are you?" lol
When he came to pick me up for our first date I probably just said, "Hi." We had already been talking for 3-4 weeks before we "met" in person.
3. Where Was Your First Date?
We went to dinner at TGIFridays in Provo and got drinks at Harts afterward. Its all kind of a blur really. I think that's what we did.
4. Where Was Your First Kiss?
After we got our Harts drinks we went to the hill by the Provo Temple and MTC. We kissed there. Technically it was our first date, but we had gotten to know each other really well those few weeks before. So it wasn't like a first date, or like we had just met.
5. Did You Have A Long Or Short Engagement/Courtship?
Fairly short. We met in Aug 1997, engaged in January 1998, married April 10, 1998. That's just 10 months total, 10 weeks of engagement.
6. Where Did You Get Engaged? In a hotel room. Sounds risque huh?
In the hotel by the BYU track, Helaman Halls, and HARTS. He came to help me pack and move back to California after I finished my internship. He was there a few hours before my parents were going to be getting there. He knew they knew he was going to ask me and was worried that they would spill the beans. He kept saying, "Lets go for a drive." or "Lets go check out the Pope family cabin." or "Lets drive to Midway." I kept saying, "No, lets just rest and wait for my parents. They will be here soon." I had no idea. He told me the ring we had looked at, and he bargained with the store people for weeks about, was sold and gone. I didn't think he was proposing. Well, he got impatient (story of my life with him. I should have known.) and just proposed to me in his hotel room while we were waiting for my parents to get there. AND the ring was sold, but to him!
7. Where Were You Married?
In the Los Angeles temple
8. Where Did You Go On Your Honeymoon?
First night was at the Seal Beach Inn, then we spent the next few days in Catalina. The assumption was that we could go back there alot and revisit. SO in the 9 ears we have been married, we have never been back. That plan just didn't work out.
9. Where Was Your First Place Together?
We lived with him mom until my grandparents went on their mission. We moved into their house in January 1999. We have been in my home ward since then.
10. How Long Have You Been Married? 9 1/2 years. It will be 10 in April.
I tag everyone that reads this if you haven't done it yet. I'd love to read your stories!